The Rainbow Place is a play-based school for children ages 2.9 until they go to kindergarten. We help to build a foundation and a love for learning as we introduce the children to the world around them. We strive to provide all the typical preschool experiences with art, science and dramatic play, while fostering confidence and independence in young children. We create developmentally appropriate activities while working with each child individually prepare them for kindergarten. We create a happy social community and enjoy sharing the larger island community with our students through field trips and visitors coming into the program. We love to watch the children make discoveries and find the wonder in the great outdoors.
We love music, dancing, kindness, laughter, sharing, being silly and magic.
We enjoy watching new friendships grow.
We have a fantastic staff made up of 4 full time teachers (and some helpers) that have worked together for many years and love what they do.
We enroll 25 to 30 students per day in two classrooms; one upstairs and one downstairs. The children spend time in both classrooms and with all the teachers.
We follow the public school calendar and are closed for the same vacations and holidays that they are.
We have a summer program! It is a separate enrollment from the winter program and is open first to the families that attend the Rainbow Place and then to the public If there's room. The summer program accepts children up to the age of 8.
We put on two shows per year at the Whaling Church in Edgartown; our Holiday Extravaganza, a winter celebration and the June Jamboree, a spectacular end of the year event.
We have an Ice Cream Social in the fall and a Rainbow Run in the Spring and many other exciting field trips, celebrations and events in between.
Your Child DOES NOT have to be potty trained to attend! We can start out in diapers and make the transition when you and your child are ready.
Our school fills up quickly. While we wish we could serve everyone, we have limited space and families that are already in the program have priority.
We do have an interest list for enrollment. To be added to the list, fill out the form found here.
Cindy Andrews is the director call anytime to set up a visit or ask a question
34 Anthiers Lane Edgartown, MA 02539 508-627-8607 [email protected]